
【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その320

30:03/20(土) 07:50 MJXt1PR3 [sage]
Why Canada Avoided a Mortgage Meltdown By ALEX J. POLLOCK  MARCH 18, 2010, 7:36 P.M. ET
カナダが、モーゲージ・メルトダウンを避ける事の出来た理由 By ALEX J. POLLOCK(AEI) WSJ寄稿(部分抜粋)

Canada makes a useful comparison for the U.S. Both countries are rich, advanced, stable, have sophisticated
financial systems and pioneer histories, and stretch from Atlantic to Pacific. But Canada has no housing GSEs.
Mortgage interest is not tax deductible. It does not have 30-year fixed rate, freely prepayable mortgage loans.
Mortgage lending is more conservative and much more creditor-friendly.
So the widespread previous beliefs about the desirability of having GSEs were wildly mistaken. It ought to be
clear by now that an entity can be a private company with market discipline, or it can be a government body
with governmental discipline, but it can't be both.

In this context, it is important to recognize that Canada does have a government body to promote housing
finance: the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, which is the dominant credit insurer of mortgages in the
country. Whether or not you like the idea of such a government financing operation, at least its status is
perfectly clear and honest. The Canadian government owns 100% of its stock. Its guaranty from the government
is explicit. It provides housing subsidies which are on budget and must be appropriated.

Let's remember that the original sin of making Fannie a GSE in 1968 was to get it off the federal budget so the
deficit looked smaller. Canada in this respect looks superior to the U.S. in candor as well as credit performance.




