Reaction to the Inaugural British Tea Party Event 

【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その319

473:03/15(月) 07:49 Ogf2NI61 [sage]

Reaction to the Inaugural British Tea Party Event March 13, 2010 - by Andrew Ian Dodge

So successful was the tea party gathering that the 300-person capacity of the room was reached quickly and
people had to be away. This was a British event, so the tea was consumed and not tossed anywhere. There was
a cash bar as well for those wishing to have something a bit stronger ? another British tradition.
The main speaker for the event, Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, did some pre-event publicity. Oddly enough, it
was through U.S. media outlets like Neil Cavuto’s Fox News show and Hot Tea Radio.

In both of these interviews, Hannan was keen to assure people that no tea would be harmed in any way. American
observers found the fact that a tea party event in the UK was being planned both ironic and amusing. However,
the problems discussed were as serious as the ones with which American tea party attendees are concerned:
high taxes, bloated government, and fiscal irresponsibility



