【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その535 981:05/26(日) 06:55 xWCCqRi4 [sage] French soldier stabbed while on patrol near Paris By Nicolas Bertin PARIS | Sat May 25, 2013 4:06pm EDT パリで市内をパトロール中の兵士が暴漢に刺される (Reuters) - A French soldier patrolling a business neighborhood west of Paris was stabbed in the neck and injured on Saturday by a man who fled the scene and is being sought by police, President Francois Hollande said. The 23-year-old was patrolling in uniform with two other soldiers as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terror surveillance plan when he was approached from behind around 6 p.m. and attacked with a knife or a box-cutter. パリ西部でテロ警戒のパトロールを行なっていた兵士が午後6時ころ背後から接近した 暴漢にナイフで刺される事件が発生、犯人は逃走 A police union spokesman said surveillance footage of the attacker showed him as tall and bearded, aged about 35, possibly of North African origin and wearing a white Arab-style tunic. 警察によれば監視ビデオの映像から犯人は35歳くらい、口髭のある背の高い男で 北アフリカ風と見られ白のアラブスタイルのチュニックを着ていた Three days after a...