飴の民主党左派(の現状):落胆し、意気消沈し、中間選挙に向けてヤル気なさげ エコノミスト
【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その347
243:08/13(金) 22:49 RUWWmbZ8 [sage]
The Democratic left:Disappointed, down, despondent
And not about to rush to the polls in November, either Aug 12th 2010 | LAS VEGAS AND WASHINGTON, DC
飴の民主党左派(の現状):落胆し、意気消沈し、中間選挙に向けてヤル気なさげ エコノミスト、12日
The disillusionment of the Democrats’ base matters, says Charlie Cook, an electoral analyst, because mid-term
elections have much lower turnouts than elections in presidential years, so the party faithful account for a higher
proportion of votes. Parties with unhappy supporters, naturally, tend to do poorly in elections, says Jeff Jones of Gallup,
although more because voters switch allegiances than because they do not bother to vote at all.
政治アナリストのCharlie Cookによれば、それは(オバマ改革への)ディスイルージョンメントである
Indeed, the Democrats’ leaders seem to have adopted this strategy already. They are trying to frame the election as a
choice between their reforms, however imperfect, and a return to the failed policies of Mr Bush.
243:08/13(金) 22:49 RUWWmbZ8 [sage]
The Democratic left:Disappointed, down, despondent
And not about to rush to the polls in November, either Aug 12th 2010 | LAS VEGAS AND WASHINGTON, DC
飴の民主党左派(の現状):落胆し、意気消沈し、中間選挙に向けてヤル気なさげ エコノミスト、12日
The disillusionment of the Democrats’ base matters, says Charlie Cook, an electoral analyst, because mid-term
elections have much lower turnouts than elections in presidential years, so the party faithful account for a higher
proportion of votes. Parties with unhappy supporters, naturally, tend to do poorly in elections, says Jeff Jones of Gallup,
although more because voters switch allegiances than because they do not bother to vote at all.
政治アナリストのCharlie Cookによれば、それは(オバマ改革への)ディスイルージョンメントである
Indeed, the Democrats’ leaders seem to have adopted this strategy already. They are trying to frame the election as a
choice between their reforms, however imperfect, and a return to the failed policies of Mr Bush.